Sunday, February 4, 2007

Book #7 - Weather Balloons Make Rotten Sex Toys by Annabelle du Fouet

ISBN: 1419954830
Format: Trade Paperback, 209pp
Pub. Date: June 30, 2006
Genre: Humor, Erotica
Dates Read: 02/03/07-02/12/07 & 02/15/07 (11 days)
Bought at Borders via the buy 5 romance for the price of 4 (so, this one ended up being free rather than $11.49)

From the Publisher

Unemployed scholar Annabelle du Fouet lived a quiet life until her Uncle Henry disappeared, leaving behind a mountain of kinky porn. Ordered by her Aunt Ruth to get rid of it, Annabelle decided to study the books, magazines and videos, hoping to understand Uncle Henry's secret life. Then Annabelle made a decision that changed her life;to write the world's first research report on all things kinky. And she would do it from the inside. As Mistress Dominique, Annabelle plunged ito the murky world of kink and changed it forever. Mostly for the worse, as it turned out. Follow Mistress Dominique's adventures as she: - Destroys a kinky party by filling a house with smelly green foam. - Causes a gigantic submissive known as Crazy Morty to terrorize a trailer park. - Starts a riot that sends the chairwoman of the Savvy Seeders garden club to a psychiatric hospital. - Leads a band of enraged ponygirls to attack the Rocking Robins bird club. - Helps a drunken kinky clown traumatize a women's religious studies group. And much more! Through Annabelle's historical research, you will learn why Vikings were kinky but not as kinky as the ancient Egyptians. You will discover why the man who invented golf also invented an implement found in dungeons everywhere, and how a man named Thomas Edison (but not that Edison) nearly blew up a town by inventing the world's first electric kinky device. You will meet people with a fetish for pirate outfits, a man who wears an owl suit, and people who pretend to be elderly in order to cause scenes in bookstores. Be warned though;while this in-depth research document contains frank discussions of sexual deviations, its history and the people who participate in it, there are no actual sexual encounters described. Really. Please! Annabelle is a professional and this was all done in the name of science.

My Opinion of the Book

This is the funniest damn book I've read in a long time!!! I recommend this to anyone that isn't bashful and wants a good laugh. CTGMOM and I read this one aloud during a couple of our bookshopping excursions and were laughing so hard it was making it hard for her to drive (which isn't good if you've seen her drive *whistle* ) The author seems so naive, yet is probably extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the "world of kink". Definitely check this out if you're not afraid of this subject matter. Just a warning... don't try reading or eating at the same time... could really be hazardous. Also, this would make a great party read with a group of friends! :)

1 comment:

cheesygiraffe said...

And do you know ballons make lousy condoms. :P LOL